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REACT International, Inc. (REACT) – consists of Teams of Skilled Communications Volunteers – is a non-profit registered 501(c)3 organization. REACT has been monitoring the airwaves since 1962, and since its inception REACT volunteers have been providing a wide range of radio related services to the public.
REACT is a network of committed professionals with a desire to assist their communities in times of emergency or disaster. Our members provide their expertise when disasters strike and assist with augmenting local resources with the goal of accelerating relief efforts.
What is the modern REACT all about?
It is amazing to see the various programs and relationships that have developed between REACT Teams and their local governments and emergency services. Teams may: provide first-aid and communications at a multitude of publicly attended events, directly assist local police services with traffic control, provide specialized equipment such as scene lighting, and the list goes on. The interesting thing is that these initiatives come from local teams recognizing the needs in their communities which, with planning and creative thinking, their organizations can fulfill.
Although REACT’s roots are in communications, most successful teams have gone way beyond this role in their communities. Given the incredible advances in personal communications, successful teams have honed in on an expanded role to ensure their long term viability in providing a multitude of services. Keep in mind, communication technology is only one of the tools teams can utilize to solidify their position within their communities.
So what is modern REACT all about? Modern REACT is about the future. We can only imagine the incredible technologies that will be available for REACT Teams to use in the next few years.
Are you prepared to recognize new and exiting opportunities as they present themselves? What ideas can you bring to the table to be a modern REACT Team.
To recognize modern REACT is to recognize that the future starts today, with you and your Team.
REACT International is governed by a Board of Directors and Officers who are comprised of members from Teams that are chartered with REACT How to download facebook videos online without software. International. Directors are members from teams within the region of the world that they represent are are elected by the teams in their specific regions.
There are nine directors that comprise the Board of Directors, 8 are from areas of the United States that are divided up by regions, and 1 is from outside the United States. The current geographical regions for REACT International are as follows:
- Region 1 – Connecticut (CT), Maine (ME), Massachusetts (MA), New Hampshire (NH), New York (NY), Pennsylvania (PA), Rhode Island, Vermont (VT)
- Region 2 – District of Columbia (DC), Delaware (DE), Kentucky (KY), Maryland (MD), New Jersey (NJ), Virginia (VA) West Virginia (WV)
- Region 3 – Alabama (AL), Florida (FL), Georgia (GA), Mississippi (MS), North Carolina (NC), Puerto Rico (PR), South Carolina (SC)
- Region 4 – Indiana (IN), Michigan (MI), Ohio (OH)
- Region 5 – Illinois (IL), Iowa (IA), Nebraska (NE), Minnesota (MN), North Dakota (ND), South Dakota (SD), Wisconsin (WI)
- Region 6 – Alaska (AK), Hawaii (HI), Idaho (ID), Montana (MT), Washington (WA), Wyoming (WY)
- Region 7 – Arkansas (AR), Colorado (CO), Kansas (KS), Louisiana (LA), Missouri (MO), New Mexico (NM), Oklahoma (OK), Texas (TX)
- Region 8 – Arizona (AZ), California (CA), Nevada (NV), Utah (UT)
- Region 9 – All areas outside the United States or its territories
The Officers of REACT International are responsible for the day to day operation of the organization. There are 4 primary officers of the organization and are as follows:
- President
- Executive Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
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There may be other officers appointed such as assistants from time to time as the needs of the organization dictate.
All Officers of REACT International, Inc. are members of a local REACT Team in their respective areas and all volunteer time to fulfill the duties of their respective positions.
John Capodanno, KJ6QAJ
The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation. The President is responsible for implementing policies and supervising day-to-day operations.Term Expires 2022
- Tel: (818) 974-0052
- Location: California
Tom Jenkins, N7VOI
Executive Vice President
The Executive Vice President serves in the absence of the President, and does other duties as the President determines.Term Expires 2021
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Idaho
John Mahon, N1PYN
The Secretary is custodian of records, and maintains all minutes from meetings.Term Expires 2021
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Massachusetts
Russ Dunn, N7SMA
The Treasurer is responsible for all funds and financial records for the organization.Term Expires 2021
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Idaho
John Capodanno, KJ6QAJ
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Term Through 2021- Tel: (818) 974-0052
- Location: California
Ravindranath Goswami, 9Z4RG/AK4NB
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Term Through 2021- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Trinidad & Tobago
John Mahon, N1PYN
Region 1 Director
CT,MA,ME,NH,NY,PA,RI,VTTerm Through 2021
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Massachusetts
David Perry, W3DFP
Region 2 Director
DE, KY, MD, NJ, VA, WVCentral Kentucky Bank
Term Through 2022- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Maryland
Joseph Zych, KD4YSH
Region 3 Director
AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, PR, SC, TNTerm Through 2023
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Tennessee
Region 4 Director
IN, MI, OHTerm Through 2021
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
Jeremy Barrett, WX2TXU
Region 5 Director
IA, IL, MN, ND, NE, SD, WITerm Through 2022
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Nebraska
Tom Jenkins, N7VOI
Region 6 Director
AK, HI, ID, MT, OR, WA, WYTerm Through 2023
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Idaho
Region 7 Director
AR, CO, KS, LA, MO, NM, OK, TXTerm Through 2021
John Capodanno, KJ6QAJ
Region 8 Director
AZ, CA, NV, UTTerm Through 2022
- Tel: (818) 974-0052
- Location: California
Ravindranth Goswami, 9Z4RG/AK4NB
Region 9 Director
InternationalTerm Through 2023
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Trinidad & Tobago
Stan Walters, AB3EM
Region 1 Assistant Director
CT,MA,ME,NH,NY,PA,RI,VTTerm Through 2021
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Pensylvania
Jay Flora, WA4JAY
Assistant Director Region 3
Term Through 2023 Geologyall engineering e books for free .
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: North Carolina
Russ Dunn, N7SMA
Region 6 Assistant Director
AK, HI, ID, MT, OR, WA, WYTerm Through 2023
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Idaho
Bon Mark Uy
Region 9 Assistant Director
InternationalTerm Through 2023
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Philippines
Deonanan Jagdeosingh
Region 9 Assistant Director
InternationalTerm Through 2023
- Tel: (301) 316-2900
- Location: Trinidad & Tobago