Msa Preparationmr. Slack's 3rd Grade Language Arts

  1. 3rd Grade Language Arts Curriculum
  2. Free 3rd Grade Language Arts
  3. 3rd Grade Language Activities

Third grade English / Language Arts. Introducing the Writing Process. 3rd Grade ELA » Unit: Writing Narratives. 3rd Grade ELA » Unit: Writing Narratives. Environment: Urban. Big Idea: Students learn that good writers write a good story.


English Language Learning Materials A Critical Review 2008. English Language Learning Materials A Critical Review 2008. Apr 29, 2014 MARYLAND TEST PREP PARCC Practice Book English Language Arts Grade 3: Covers the Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) and the End-of-Year Assessment (EOY) Test Master Press Maryland on shipping on qualifying offers. 3rd Grade English Language Arts Worksheets and Study Guides. The big ideas in Third Grade ELA include moving from decoding words to learning more about what words mean and starting to express abstract ideas; identifying and discussing main ideas, characters, plot, setting, and theme; and writing clear sentences and paragraphs; and learning root words, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and words with. Not a member yet? TM & © 2007 - 2021 Age of Learning, Inc. Patents Pending.

3rd Grade Language Arts Curriculum

Msa Preparationmr. Slack

[en Español]

By the end of third grade, your child should be able to do the following tasks in each area.


  • Pay attention in groups.
  • Understand grade-level information.


Msa Preparationmr. Slack

Free 3rd Grade Language Arts

  • Speak clearly. Know when to talk with a soft or loud voice.
  • Ask and answer questions.
  • Be a part of conversations and group discussions.
  • Use words related to school subjects. For example, math, science, or history words.
  • Stay on topic, use eye contact, and take turns in conversation.
  • Summarize a story.
  • Explain what she learned in school.


  • Understand phonics, or how sounds and words go together.
  • Use word analysis skills. This means knowing root words, prefixes, and suffixes. For example, he can add the prefix 'bi' to the root word 'cycle' for 'bicycle.' Or, he can add the suffix 'ist' to the root word 'cycle' for 'cyclist.'
  • Use clues from a story to help understand what she reads.
  • Predict and explain what will happen next in stories. Compare stories and tell how stories are different.
  • Ask and answer questions about what he reads.
  • Use what she knows to learn about new topics.
  • Read grade-level books with few mistakes.
  • Reread and correct errors.


3rd Grade Language Activities

  • Plan, organize, revise, and edit.
  • Write stories, letters, and short reports.
  • Use details in writing. Spell simple words correctly. Correct most spelling without help. Use a dictionary to correct spelling.