a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:”section_title”;s:41:”Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City Tips”;s:12:”section_body”;s:46955:”
Check out our strategy guide for Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City.
Be warned: this guide is full of spoilers! We have solutions for all 16
puzzles, potion recipes, and tips that will help you master the game.
Weather Dancing is the fifth puzzle in Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City. Level 2 Leadership 3 Adept Farmers A Tribal Chief Drop the chief onto the fire, and they will start dancing. Then drop the farmers. Re:Tips and Tricks for Virtual Villagers: The Secret City by davidblyth007 on Jul 3, 13 2:25 AM kkbuggy wrote: hi! The latest post on this forum was in 09, but i recently started playing this hgame again and i.
- From the options menu you can choose the speed of your game to be slow, normal or fast. You can adjust these times to suit your needs. You can also pause the game when you need to do so and the game will not progress until you start it back up again.
- It is not a good idea to have too many people in your tribe in the early stages. When you have a lot of people in your tribe you will have more people to feed. Your food supplies will be limited so you have to make sure that you have enough food for everyone.
- I kept my population around 10 for a long while until I had enough food that I could afford to provide for more villagers. Once in a while your villagers will make babies without your influence so you need to be prepared for that.
- One of the very first things you want to do when you start the game is scroll to the upper right side of the screen, by the hill. On the ground you’ll see a piece of fruit, drop one of your villagers on top of it and they will plant the seed for your first tree.
- Concentrate on getting mushrooms as much as you can. The best time to get mushrooms is when it is raining. Adults cannot collect mushrooms only kids can.
- Build a fire and name a chief right away. Look at the sections below on instructions on how to do both.
- There are 5 basic skills that your villagers can learn. It is important that at the beginning of the game that you teach your villagers different skills so that you have villagers with a multitude of skills.
- There are 3 levels a villager can achieve in each skill, Trainee, Adept and ultimately they can become a Master.
- Pay attention to the likes and dislikes of each villager that appears when you click on the 'details' tab. That can help you determine which skills the villagers will excel in.
- Farming – You accumulate farming skills by teaching your villagers to hunt for food. This includes fishing and harvesting fruit.
- Building constitutes constructing huts and repairing them. It also includes pushing the statue,removing rubble from the village or repairing any structure that needs it.
- Research involves sending your villagers to the research table in the lab. Once a villager becomes a Master Scientist there are things they can do that regular scientists cannot.
- Healing consists of taking care of villagers that are sick. Please read the section below that explains the steps involved in taking care of sick people.
- Parenting skills are increased when you manage your population correctly. Each time one of your villagers procreates or they go in a hut for privacy their parenting skills improve.
- If a villager drops an item on their way to deliver it somewhere, the fallen item will just go back to where you originally got it from. Go back and get it from there.
- Building a lift will allow you to grow a tree that will give you some fruit. As soon as it starts raining, have a villager stand under a tree and catch a piece of fruit that has fallen off. Plant that fruit so you can start having an orchard.
- In order to get a villager to do a job you may have to drag them to a task several times before you succeed in making them stay. You know what they say:If at first you don’t succeed try and try again.
- If you’re looking for a villager to perform a a task and you can’t find them, click on the 'Details' tab in the lower right side of the screen. Scroll through the villagers and whichever one is showing will be highlighted when you get out of that screen.
- In those cases in which no matter how many times you try the villager will not do a job, you will have to pick a different task for them to do.
- Collectibles are only on the screen for a short period of time before they disappear. As soon as you see a collectible search for a kid so they can pick it up right away.
- Villagers Can die of old age ,starvation or diseases. Make sure that you take care of your villagers needs as quickly as possible so you don’t lose them too soon. Train some healers early on so that they can be available when you need them. Most villagers seem to pass away at around 75 years of age.
- After you’ve completed puzzle no 5 you will be able to make it rain anytime by performing a weather dance.
- If you have several workers on a job and it seems like it’s taking too long to complete, you can click on the project and it will tell you what percentage of the job is completed. For example if you planted a tree you can click on the base of the tree where the dirt is and it will tell you how much longer it will take for the tree to mature.
- In order to grow more population you have to have sufficient housing otherwise you will not be able to do it.
- A villager has to become a master in 3 different skills in order to become an Esteemed Elder.
- In order to teach a villager to do some research you have to drag an adult to the research table that is located on the right side of the lab.
- In the beginning of the game the lab will be in disarray. Once you send your scientist out to gather the pots the lab will start taking shape.
- As your villager’s research abilities get better you will gain what they call tech points. A Master Scientist will accrue more tech points than another type of scientist.
- Tech points are points you can use to purchase new technologies. You will earn these points from the research that you’ve done.
- If at any point you have a question about any technology items, you can click on the question mark that appears in red next to the word 'buy'. It will tell you what it is used for.
- Science Technology – When you purchase this technology you will accumulate tech points faster.
- Medicine Technology – This technology is a good one to have since depending on the level, your villagers will get sick less often. It will also increase longevity and fertility rates.
- In level 2 of the Medical Technology you will be able to train your doctors in the medical area.
- Alchemy Technology – This will diminish the amount of times your villagers will be hurt around the island.
- Restoration Technology will give your villagers the ability to rebuild and restore ruined structures.
- Leadership Technology – This one will influence the chief on the job they’re supervising. The chief will also have special powers that can only be used once a day.
- Level 1 – Your chief will be able to make food.
- Level 2 – your chief will be able to educate kids.
- Level 3 – It will help a kid find a rare collectible but you have to place the chief on top of the path in order to achieve it.
- Once you build a Clothing Hut you can use some of your tech points to buy outfits for your villagers.
- All you have to do is drop one of your villagers on the clothing hut and you’ll see how much it will cost to change an outfit.
- Scroll through all your choices and select whatever outfit you prefer for your villager.
- In order to make a baby on the island you have to pair up a man and a woman. Just drag a man over a woman or vice – versa and the adults will decide if they like each other.
- If you hear a kissing sound that means that the pair is getting along and they will go into a hut for some privacy. That does not guarantee that they will have a baby.
- If you want to know for sure if the woman got pregnant you can look on the top left side of the screen. The population number will increase right away if it was a successful match. Otherwise your villager’s parenting skills will just increase instead of getting pregnant.
- Parents can have multiple babies at once, twins are possible and in some rare cases you will have triplets. Give your villagers fertility potions if you want to increase the amount of births in one shot.
- If you drag an adult to a child the only thing that happens is that the adult will read a book to the child to keep them entertained.
- The kids cannot work until they’ve reached the age of 14.
- Kids from 2 – 13 can gather herbs and take them to the lab.
- Whenever you see a collectible, drag a kid to it and they will take it back to the lab. Only kids can take collectibles to the lab.
- Kids will be able to heal sick people. However, they cannot do it while the game is running by itself because the kids need guidance to heal.
- Make sure you send kids to collect mushrooms as often as they can. This is especially important in the early stages of the game since mushrooms and honey will be your only sources of food until your trees grow.
- Kids of any age can try on robes and become chiefs.
- Nursing mothers do not work until after their child is 2 years old.
- Nursing mothers cannot become chiefs until after they stop nursing.
- Female chiefs can get pregnant.
- In order to obtain a chief for your village you must drag villagers one by one over to the robe. Once a villager accepts a robe he or she will be chief.
- You can drag your chief to the food bin and he will make some food. Don’t pull the chief off of the food bin until they’ve had a chance to finish.
- The chief can only make food magically appear every 24 hours. The amount of food the chief makes varies in the game, there is no set amount.
- You can have the chief lecture to the village when you stand him or her on the amphitheater and place them on the round black podium. He can only give 1 lecture every 24 hours.
- When the children are educated by the Chief they can master certain skills at an early age since the lectures make them smarter.
- The bigger the tribe the more influence your chief has.
- There are times in which your villagers will get sick and you’ll need to make them better. In order to do this you will need to train a healer.
- In order to accomplish this, look for a sick villager in the medical area. Drag a healthy villager, (an adult or a child) onto the sick person. Your sick villager will automatically feel better.
- Every time you do this your healer will gain healing skills which help your villagers live healthier lives in the long run.
- At the very beginning of the game you should drag an adult villager over to the right side of the screen where you see the lift (it looks like a see – saw).
- There will be a piece of fruit on the ground, the villager will pick it up and plant the seed. It’s important to do this at the beginning of the game since it will take a while for your fruit tree to grow.
- The length of time it takes for your tree to grow will depend upon the speed you set for the game to run.
- You will have to make honey in the beginning of the game as well since you will need the food for your villagers. If you have the tutorial on it will guide you through the necessary steps to do so.
- You can only plant three trees in total. If any more fruits fall to the ground after the initial 3 trees, they will be taken to the food bin.
- You can only plant the other 2 trees once the lift is fixed. Then you can have your villager stand on the lift when it’s raining. The rain will fill the bucket in the back with water which in turn will make lift go up. Read Puzzle # 6 for detailed instructions on how to accomplish this.
- If you don’t have the tutorial on just follow these steps. Close to the beach, in the upper right hand corner you will see a pile of wood.
- On the left side of the scene you will see a dry patch of land. Somewhere in the middle you will see a fire pit.
- Please look at the screenshots for a clearer picture of where things are.
- To get a fire started you have to drop a villager on the pile of wood and they will automatically take it to the fire pit.
- Send another villager to the dry grass patch and they will pick it up and take it to the wood pile.
- Once both those items are on the fire pit, drag and drop a villager on the fire pit and the fire will start.
- Only children can pick up the collectibles around the village. The same collectible found more than once is converted into tech points.
- Look for collectibles that may be hiding behind trees, by the waterfall and by the ocean. They are practically everywhere. From time to time it’s a good idea to take a look around the island to see where collectibles may appear.
- Some people think that when you hear bells in the background that a collectible is present, that is not the case. The only time you know for sure if the collectible is available is when you hear the sound of a gong. At that point look on the island to see where it could be.
- The direction the Chief is pointing at is not necessarily the direction in which you’ll find the collectible.
- Collecting items is optional you don’t have to do it to complete the game.
- Kids are the only ones that can pick up collectibles but they will not do it on their own. You have to drag and drop a kid on a collectible for them to pick it up.
- If a message states the kid is collecting a collectible for a scientist then you know it’s a duplicate. Collecting duplicates will add to your tech points.
- If a kid is collecting an item and it says 'Collecting a new uncommon item' Then you know you’ve found a new piece to add to your collection.
- Tablet pieces are the collectibles that you’ll find once you complete puzzle # 7.
- Unlike the regular collectibles that repeat themselves throughout the game, the tablets do not repeat themselves. Once you find one you will not find one like it again. If for some reason you miss a tablet when it came out you will have a chance to collect it a later time since they will reappear eventually.
- There are a series of events that will pop up on your screen periodically. When they appear you will read a short story and you will be given 2 choices.
- Take your time and think about what the best choice could be and what the consequences your choices will bring.
- If you choose the wrong answer you could lose certain things that you’ve worked hard to accomplish.
- If you choose the right answer then you’ll get some type of reward.
- The first step to being able to make a potion is that you have to complete puzzle # 3. In puzzle # 3 you will need an Adept Scientist to collect the pots around the village.
- Once Puzzle # 3 has been completed you can have any villager, adult or child look for the herbs that you need. In order to see what the herbs look like and where they are located please look at the screenshots:
- Pick the herb combination for the potion that you would like to make. Send 3 villagers out to get it and they will automatically take it to the lab and place it on the round table.
- A Scientist cannot begin making a potion until all 3 herbs are on the table. Once all the herbs are on the table, drag your Scientist to the round table on the left side of the lab.
- The Scientist will then pick up each herb one by one and drop it in the cauldron. Once all 3 herbs are in the cauldron you will see smoke above it. That means that the potion is ready for consumption.
- Drag whichever villager(s) you want to consume the potion and you’ll see a message appear at the bottom of the screen describing what kind of effect the potion has on each villager.
- When you make a potion you can click on the cauldron and it will tell you how much longer the potion will be available. Most potions only last for a couple of minutes.
- Kids will deliver herbs much faster than adults will so if you need to make a potion quickly get one of the kids to get it for you.
- Once a villager has had some potion you will have to wait for a certain amount of time before you can give them another dose.
- Level 1 will make sure that your food supplies are available faster.
- Level 2 will give you a special herb that will not be found when you choose Faction of magic. (The Pitcher Plant)
- Level 3 – It will increase your villager’s longevity.
- Level 1 – It will make your scientists work faster.
- Level 2 – It will provide you with an herb that you will not find when you choose Faction of Nature. (Berries)
- Level 3 – It will increase the maximum amount of people that you can have in your tribe.
- Here is a list of a lot of some of the potion combinations that you can make in the game. As I discover more, I will update the list.
- The order in which you pick up the potions does not matter, all that matters is the combination that you set on the table.
- This is only a partial list, I was not able to get all of them.
- 1 Rose + 1 Catus + 1 Lotus = Light and Springy (Use this to get the pink key in puzzle # 14)
- 3 Roses = Romantic Embrace (good for parenting skills)
- 2 Roses + 1 Cactus = Fertility (good for multiple births)
- 2 Black Orchids + 1 Rose = Stomachache
- 2 Black Orchids and a cactus = Stomachache
- 1 Rose + Black Orchid + 1 Lotus = Awful (Makes then sick)
- 2 Cacti + 1 Lotus = Awful (Makes them sick)
- 3 Black Orchids = Yikes! Half health gone
- 3 Cacti = Feels Better
- 1 Rose + 1 Black Orchid + 1 Tiger Lily = Whee! What a fun potion
- 3 Tiger Lilies = Whee! What a fun potion
- 2 Lotus + 1 cactus = Feels healthier, restores half health
- 2 Black Orchids + 1 Pitcher plant = Gets rid of sharks
- 2 Pitcher plants + Lotus = Feels better
- 3 Pitcher plants = Itchy
- 2 Pitcher plants + Tiger Lily = Awful!
- 1 Pitcher Plant + Tiger Lily + 1 Rose = Hiccups
- 2 Roses + 1 part Berries = Gets rid of sharks
- 1 Berry + 1 Lotus + 1 Rose = Yummy
- 2 Berries + 1 Rose = Burn
- 2 Berries + 1 Tiger Lily = Awful
- 1 Cactus + 1 Berry + 1 Lotus = Feels better
- Spoiler Alert!!! Here are the solutions for all 16 puzzles of the game. I was not able to solve these puzzles in the order that they appear on the list. I’m just listing them in the order in which they appear on the puzzle screen of the game.
- Please read the requirements needed for certain puzzles or you may not be able to complete some of them until you do.
- Some puzzles will not be able to be completed until other puzzles have been solved first. Another reason that some puzzles may not be completed is that you need to have certain technology requirements before you can complete them.
- Just remember that it takes time and patience for some of these jobs to be completed. Some will be done right away and others will take much longer to complete.
- If you have enough food and enough villagers you can have more than one puzzle progressing at one time. At one point I had a set of villagers removing the rubble for puzzle no 7 and no 8 at the same time.
- While one set was removing the rubble from around the cave, the others were picking it up and using it for the repair of the bath. This is a good task to get done while your computer off depending on how long you leave it off those tasks could be completed by the time you get back to the game.
Puzzle 1 – First Village chief
- One of the first things you want to do is find a Chief for your village. The way you accomplish this is by dragging each one of your villagers over to the robe.
- Each time you drag a villager over to the robe, they will try it on. If it doesn’t fit the first villager you will have to keep on looking.
- Keep dragging the villagers to the robe until you find one that fits it.
- Kids and adults, male or females can become chiefs, the only ones that can’t be chiefs are the women with the babies in their arms.
- Once a woman is a chief she can become pregnant. A male chief can also impregnate women while he’s chief.
- Once a mother is no longer nursing a baby you can drop them on a robe too.
- You can only have one villager from each town become a chief.
- If your tribal chief should happen to die you will have to start all these steps over until you find another chief.
Puzzle 2 – The Bee Hive
- Your goal in this puzzle is to get honey for your villagers. The way you accomplish this is by getting rid of the bees buzzing around the hive so you can get to the honey.
- You will need to collect dry grass and some wood and take that to the fire pit in order to light a fire.
- Drag and drop a villager onto the pile of wood and the villager will automatically take it to the fire pit.
- Drag another villager (or the same one) to the dry patch of grass and they will collect it and also take it to the fire pit.
- Pick up a villager and drag them to the torches that are on the ground near the beehive. The villager will then in turn take the torches to the fire pit and light them
- You will see smoke coming from the torches as the villager take it back to the hive. The villager will take the torches to the hive and the smoke from the torches will get rid of the bees.
- You will now have your first food source for your villagers.
Puzzle 3 – The Alchemy Lab
- In this puzzle your goal is to find a spear and 4 colored pots throughout the village and take them back to the lab.
- The Adept Scientist is the type of villager you will need in order to drag the pots back to the lab.
- When you first happen upon the lab everything is in disarray. Finding these pots will be the first step in getting your lab back in order.
- Drop your scientist(s) on each of the pots and they will take it back to the lab. Once all 4 pots and the spear have been collected you will be able to complete this puzzle.
- Please look at the screenshots for the location of all the pots. I played 2 games at once and the pots were located in different parts of the island for me. I will show where they were located in both instances.
Puzzle 4 – The Roster of the Dead
- Please look at the screenshot for the location in which this puzzle takes place.
- Your goal in here is to remove the leaves that cover the big brown rock. The rock is called the Roster of the Dead, which is the place where the names of all your dead villagers will be listed.
- Place your chief at the site so they can direct the villagers to work faster.
- Once you accomplish this puzzle your villagers will have better building skills which in turn will make them work faster in other projects.
- You have to be patient because it takes a while for the villagers to take all the leaves off.
- Make sure that you use as many people as you can on this job without sacrificing other things that need to be done (like gathering food)
Puzzle 5 – Weather Dancing
- It will take 3 Adept Farmers, your Chief and a level 2 leadership to complete this puzzle.
- Drag your Chief and place them onto the fire, you will see under them that it says weather dance. Then drop your 3 Adept Farmers on the fire as well and they will start dancing.
- If any of your Adept Farmers tries to get out of the dance, drag them back into the fire right away.
- As soon as they get into the dance they will start spinning around and you’ll see little sparks above their head.
- You’ll know you’ve done the steps correctly when it starts to rain and all the villagers go towards the fire. Plus you’ll also see the sign that tells you that you are now able to control the weather.
Puzzle 6 – The Lift
- Your goal in this puzzle is to repair the lift. The lift looks like a see – saw. It is on the right side of the screen.
- Please look at the screenshot for the location of the lift.
- The way you accomplish this is by dragging 3 Adept Builders to the lift at the same time.
- You will need to have a level 2 restoration in order to accomplish this task.
- If all three of your workers do not have the Adept Builder title they will not be able to repair the lift.
- You will see a message indicating that the lift is being fixed.
- You can only do this repair while it’s raining or it will not work.
Puzzle 7 – The Ruins
- In order to solve this puzzle please go to the lower right side of the screen. Please look at the screenshot for a better view.
- You need a level 2 restoration to complete this puzzle.
- Drag a villager or two to the rocks and drop them on top of the rocks.
- Place the chief close by so that they can help direct the villagers and keep the villagers organized.
- Your villagers will accumulate more building skills by doing this task.
- As they clear away the rocks you’ll begin to see some of the tablet pieces. If you have any children in the village at this time, drop them on the tablets so they can drag them back to the lab.
- You can place a villager on the cave at any time after the rocks have been cleared and you’ll see some history about the island.
- If by any chance you missed part of the story, you can always place a villager on there and it will play again.
Puzzle 8 – The Ancient Bath
- The task in this puzzle is to have your Master Builder write on the chalkboard the plans that are needed to fix the bath.
- You cannot attempt this task until you have a Master Builder and your Alchemy Lab has been fixed.
- Drag and drop your Master Builder onto the white board that is in the Alchemy Lab and they will begin to draw the plans that are needed to fix the bath.
- Once the plans have been written, drop any of your villagers onto the bath so they can begin repairing it.
- You’ll see the villagers that you drop to repair the bath start going down the steps, it doesn’t mean that they are leaving, like I originally thought. It means that the repairs they need to do are on the outside of the bath not on top.
- This process can take a very long time to complete, make sure that your other workers are taking care of things that they need to be doing.
- Once it’s repaired your villagers can take a swim in the pool at any time.
Puzzle 9 – The Statue
- You cannot complete this puzzle until you’ve met certain requirements.
- First of all, puzzle number 8 (building the bath) has to be completed.
- You will need to have purchased the level 3 Restoration,Level 3 Leadership, your tribal chief and your Master Builder on hand.
- You will need to go back to the board in which you had your Master Builder draw plans to fix the bath. Once the bath is repaired the board will be blank again.
- Drop one of your Master Builders on the board and they will draw a new set of plans that will explain how to repair the statue.
- It’s important to have your chief on the construction site so that they can direct your workers. As soon as your chief starts directing, drop your builders on the statue.
- This will be a long process in which completion depends on how many people you have working on it at one time.
- You will see that your workers will slowly push the statue up the hill until they can get it back where it belongs.
- There’s a limit as to how many villagers can work on the statue at one time. You will know if there are too many workers on the project when a message appears letting you know that there are too many workers.
- Once the Statue is back in place you’ll read that it was built in honor of a princess. All the villagers will gather around the statue to celebrate.
Puzzle 10 – The Orchard
- In order to do this puzzle you will have to make sure that you’ve planted the fruit that was on the ground at the beginning of the game. and that you’ve already built the lift in puzzle 6.
- This is a fairly simple puzzle to finish once the lift is completed. It does take a while for the trees to grow depending on the speed you set for your game.
- The good news is that tree can grow without any assistance from you once both seeds have been planted.
- You can do this one of two ways. One, you can place a villager to stand on the lift and wait for the rain to come. The only issue with this is that sometimes when it starts to rain your villager may start to walk away. You will need to stay close to the lift so you can make sure that the villager stays on when it starts to rain.
- Two, as soon as you hear the rain falling grab a villager and quickly place them on the lift before the bucket starts to fill with water.
- Once your villager is on the lift, the rain will start filling the bucket with water which will make the side your villager is on start to rise.
- As soon as the bucket is all the way to the top a piece of fruit will drop to the floor. Take your villager off the lift even if it’s still raining.
- As soon as your villager drops to the ground place the villager over the seed and they will plant it.
- Repeat the same steps as above in order to plant the third and last seed.
- On fast speed it will take each tree 4 hours to reach maturity. Once all three trees are fully mature this puzzle will be solved.
- I started this puzzle before I went to sleep and in the morning the trees were ripe for picking and the puzzle was completed.
Puzzle 11 – The Sharks
- Your lab has to be finished in order to make the potion that will keep the sharks away. Depending on which Faction you’ve chosen will decide the type of herbs you need to mix in order to get the right potion.
- If you chose the Nature Faction you will need to mix 2 parts black orchids with 1 part pitcher plant.
- If you chose the Magic Faction you will need to mix 2 rose parts and 1 part berry.
- I actually made several villagers drink the potion and take the vials to the sharks. As soon as the first villager reached the water the sharks were gone. I’m not sure if the 1st villager did it or if it was the combination of villagers.
- The end result for getting rid of the sharks is the same but depending on the faction they will have different effects on the sharks.
- Once the sharks are banished you will have unlimited supplies of food since your villagers will have the ability to fish from now on.
Puzzle 12 – Aromatherapy
- In order to complete this puzzle you will need to have completed the bath repairs, have a level 3 Medicine Tech and have a Master Doctor.
- Drag and drop your Master Doctor in the bath that has been repaired.
- The Doctor will fill the bowls in the bath with Lotus plants.
- Drag and drop the Master Doctor in the fire pit to complete the puzzle.
Puzzle 13 – The Ash key
- In this puzzle you will have to wait for your initial fire to burn out, once it does you will see a diamond appear over the fire pit. In my case found that I had to do the weather dance before I was able to complete this one.
- If for some reason your fire goes out before you complete the weather dance and there’s no diamond, you will have to start the fire over again.
- On fast mode it takes about 10 hours for the fire to go out. You can click anywhere on the fire and it will tell you how much longer you have before the fire goes out.
- Once your fire goes out completely you will see a huge diamond in the ashes. The diamond will be too hot to pick up. You will need the help of your villagers to put the fire out.
- Send some villagers to the waterfalls that are on the left side of the scene and they will automatically pick up some water and throw it on the diamond.
- You will have to keep dragging your villagers over to the water several times until the key is cool enough to pick up. I sort of lost count as to how many villagers I had to send to the waterfall but I think it was at least 12 times.
- You will know that the diamond is ready to be picked up once you drop a villager over to the waterfall and they drink out of it instead of carrying water back to the pit.
- Once that happens drop any villager on the pit and they will take the diamond to the door.
- If this is the last key that you needed for the door, like it was for me, then the door will open at this point. Once the door is open you will be taken to the Sun Dial Room.
- If it’s not the last key for you then the door will open once you’ve placed the third and last key in the door.
Puzzle 14 – The Cliff Key (Pink Key)
- In order to solve this puzzle mix 1 part Cactus + 1 part Rose + 1 part of Lotus = Light and Springy potion.
- By now you probably noticed a bright pink square that is on the top right side of the screen, over the Orchard. That is the item that you need to pick up.
- Have a villager drink the potion and drag them over to the pink square. The villager will jump up, grab the key and take it to the door.
- As you fly the villager over the pink key you should see the words, 'Trying to reach the key' under the ‘action’ section of your villager’s description. That is your queue to drop the villager.
- I’m not sure if this is a requirement but I was unable to do this puzzle until after I completed the weather dance. I did not do weather dance until close to the end of the game.
Puzzle 15 – The Clam Key
- You cannot do this puzzle unless you’ve solved the statue puzzle first.
- As soon as the statue is finished you will be able to see a white pearl appear. I can’t remember where it appeared, I think it was by the broken statue. All I remember is a villager taking it to the waterfall.
- Drop a Master Builder over the pearl and they will take it to the waterfall, the pearl will turn blue.
- The pearl will be taken to the lab by the Master Builder once you drop them on the blue pearl. The Master Builder will take it to the lab and polish it.
- Have the chief take the pearl from the lab and they will take it over to the giant clam that is out on the ocean.
- The clam will take the blue pearl and the chief will then take the key and take it to the door. The key looks like a big black pearl.
Puzzle 16 – The Chief and the Princess
- The Sun Dial room will only appear once you’ve solved the previous 3 puzzles (13, 14 and 15).
- Drag a villager onto the Sun Dial and move the green circle to the position shown on the screenshot.
- You will have to wait until rays of light hit the Sun Dial. At that point you’ll see 2 ghosts bouncing over the mark on the Sun Dial.
- Drag and drop a villager on the ghosts as shown in the screenshot and all your questions will be answered.
Virtual Villagers 3 - The Secret City
Some tips and hints:
* Make sure to plant your first seed right away (drop an adult villager - but
not a nursing mom - on the seed near the lift). That seed may be a mango,
papaya,or banana (random chance).
* The lift is useful for placing an adult and being able find them in the same
place a few seconds later. (i.e. for getting the couples you want for making
babies.) Other places are the waterfalls and bath (when complete.)
The villagers will stay in that location for several seconds before wandering
off to work or play.
* When your adults are collecting objects (keys, firewood, etc.), they may drop
them if interrupted by a celebration or if you click on them. The item will
then'warp' back to where it was found originally.
* The (collectable) tablet pieces will start to appear near the rubble when the
rubble clearing project has gotten started with at least 2%.
The six herbs (your villagers will 'see' these herbs when you fly them over):
* The Cactus is located just above the Science area.
* The Black Orchid is on the edge of the grassy area below the orchard
* The Rose is located on the right edge of the orchard, below the hanging thing
* The Lotus is to the left of the stairs near the bath
* The Tiger Lily is partway up the path to the door (orange flower on right)
* The Berry (Magic) or Pitcher Plant (Nature) is located to the left of the
alchemy lab, where the kids go when nature calls. These plants only appear
when you have purchased Level 2 in your faction.
-=Puzzle 1=- The First Chief. Drop all your villagers on the robes in the amphi-
theater: any villager except nursing moms can become chief. If you can't find
your chief right away, wait until the moms no longer have babies and drop them
on the robe. (You will need to repeat this process each time the chief dies.)
-=Puzzle 2=- The Bee Hive. First, light the fire (collect wood and dry grass in
the firepit, then light the fire). Then drop an adult villager on the burned
out torches near the hive. He/she will return the torch to the hive and calm
the bees so you can collect honey.
-=Puzzle 3=- The Alchemy Lab. You will need an Adept Scientist (or more than one).
Scattered around the village (random locations) are 2 colored pots (red or
yellow with white stripes), a brown pot, a gray bowl with spoons, and a short
spear (orange-brown handle with gray blade). Drop your scientist(s) on each
item and they will return it to the lab - if they drop the item before reaching
the lab, it will warp back to where you found it originally. Returning all five
items solves the puzzle.
-=Puzzle 4=- The Roster of the Dead. At the far right of the map (use keyboard
shortcut '3' to get there) is a grassy area - at the upper right of this area
is a big leafy bush. Have your villagers remove these leaves, which uncovers
the roster of the dead (they will gain building skill; trained builders can
accomplish this faster).
-=Puzzle 5=- Weather Dancing. You will need Level 2 Leadership, a tribal chief,
and 3 Adept Farmers. First, drop the chief on your lit fire. He/she will begin
weather dancing. Then drop the farmers on the fire, and they will join in. You
will know they are successful when sparkles appear over their heads and under
their feet.
-=Puzzle 6=- The Lift. You will need 3 Adept Builders and Level 2 Restoration.
Once you have purchased the tech, drop your 3 builders on the 'strange machine'
in the orchard. Make sure their action line reads 'repairing the lift'. If you
have done this correctly, the lift will be repaired.
-=Puzzle 7=- The Rubble. You will need Level 2 Restoration. Drop a villager
(preferably a builder) on the pile of rocks at the bottom of the map. He/she
will clear away the rocks, gaining building skill (builders will accomplish
this task faster).
-=Puzzle 8=- The Ancient Bath. You will need to have completed Puzzle 3 and have
a Master Builder. Drop your builder on the 'chalkboard' in the alchemy lab
(he/she will 'see' it if you fly them over the lab) - he/she will create the
the plans for the bath. Drop your builders on the bath to complete the project.
-=Puzzle 9=- The Statue. You will need Level 3 Restoration, Level 3 Leadership, a
tribal chief, a Master Builder, and a completed bath (solved Puzzle 8). Drop the
Master Builder on the chalkboard (which will be blank after the bath is completed),
and he/she will draw up plans for the statue. Drag an adult villager (not a nursing
mom) up the path to the door until he/she 'Sees a good place to anchor the statue'
-- this villager is more likely to be successful if he/she has some building skill.
That villager will then build scaffolding to help anchor the statue. Your chief
must direct work on the statue, so drop him/her on the statue to begin this process
- if the chief stops directing work, then progress will halt until you return the
chief to his/her duties. Once the chief is directing, you can then drop builders
on the statue to help 'pushing the statue'. The villagers must push the statue up
the path towards the door - this will take several hours (you can click on the
statue to bring up a timer in the status bar that will help you determine how long
is left - but this time depends on how many builders you have working on the project
and may increase if builders leave the project). Your builders may occasionally
complain that 'there is no more room to help out' - only a limited number of
builders can work on the statue at any given time.
-=Puzzle 10=- The Orchard. You should plant your first seed as soon as the game
starts: this first seed is located next to the ruined lift: drop one of your adult
Virtual Villagers The Secret City Walkthrough Puzzles
villagers on this seed and he/she will plant it. To gather the next two seeds, youwill need to have completed Puzzle 6 (The Lift). As soon as a rain storm starts,
place an adult villager (but not a nursing mom) on the lift (his/her action line
should read 'Standing on the Lift') Leave the villager there until the lift reaches
its highest point, when a seed will fall from the tree above. Drop the villager on
the seed to plant it. You will need to plant a total of 3 seeds (the original plus
two from the lift) to complete the orchard - the puzzle will be completed once all
three trees have become mature (and start producing fruit - it takes about 8 hours
on 'normal' speed for the tree to mature). Additional seeds (beyond the first three)
will not be planted, but will instead be placed in the food bin.
(Note: If you have trouble getting to the lift before it starts to go up, you may
wish to pause the game with the spacebar when you see the rain start before finding
a villager. You will need to unpause the game to see their status line to make sure
they are properly placed.)
-=Puzzle 11=- Banishing the Sharks. You will need to have completed Puzzle 3 and
have at least Level 2 in your chosen faction, Nature or Magic.
For NATURE: collect the following herbs for a potion: 2 X Black Orchid, 1 x Pitcher
For MAGIC: collect the following herbs for a potion: 2 X Rose, 1 x Berry.
Have an adult villager (not a nursing mother) drink the potion. He/she will take a
vial to the ocean. How the sharks are actually dealt with depends on the faction
chosen (the nature potion is a shark repellant, the magic potion 'charms' the sharks
so they won't bother the villagers).
-=Puzzle 12=- Aromatherapy. You will need to have completed Puzzle 8, have Level 3
Medicine, and a Master Doctor. Drop your Master Doctor in the completed bath.
He/she will fill the bowls around the bath with Lotus plants ('doing aromatherapy').
Then drop a Master Doctor on the fire to light the burners and finish the puzzle.
-=Puzzle 13=- The Ash Key. Later in the game (after at least one fire cycle - 10
hours on fast speed), you will notice sparkles around the fire. Let your fire go out
(do not replenish it with firewood) - a diamond will appear in the ashes. The diamond
will be too hot to pick up initially (it was in a fire, don't forget). To cool the
key, drop adult villagers on the rightmost of the two waterfalls (where they go to
drink and do laundry). They will gather water and drop it on the key. They will need
to do this several times (8-10, at least) to make the diamond cool enough to touch -
your villagers won't repeat this task on their own, so you will have to make them
do it by dropping them on the waterfall. When the villagers no longer bring water
to the fire (they'll revert to drinking from the waterfall when you drop them on it),
drop a villager on the key - they will take it to the door and solve the puzzle.
You will need to repeat this step if they drop the key before reaching the door.
-=Puzzle 14=- The Hanging Key. You will need to have solved Puzzle 3. Collect the
following herbs for a potion: Cactus, Rose, Lotus. Make the potion and have villager
(other than a nursing mom) drink it. That villager should feel 'light and springy!'.
Drop them near the pink diamond (the hanging thing) just above the Rose plant -
their status line should read 'trying to reach the key'. They will jump up, collect
the key, and place it in the door. If they drop the key before reaching the door,
you will have to resolve this puzzle.
-=Puzzle 15=- The Clam Key. You will need to have solved Puzzle 9. Once the statue
is completed, a pearl will appear. Have a Master Builder pick up the pearl -
he/she will take it to the waterfall to be 'finished'. Then have the tribal chief
pick up the finished blue pearl: the chief will use the pearl to get the key from
the giant clam and will then put the key in the door. (As with the other key puzzles,
you may have to repeat parts of the puzzle if the key is dropped before it gets to
the door).
-=Puzzle 16=- The Sun Dial. You will need to have solved Puzzles 13, 14, and 15.
Once all three keys are in the door, the sun dial room will be revealed. Drop a
villager on the sun dial until it reaches the position at the furthest left
(there are three locations for the sun dial). When a beam of sunlight hits
the sun dial, ghostly figures will appear in the room. Drop a villager on those
ghosts and the mystery of the secret city will be revealed!
Virtual Villagers Secret City Walkthrough
Potion Combination Result:
1 - Rose
2 - Black Orchid
3 - Cactus
4 - Lotus
5 - Tiger Lily
6 - Pitcher plant
7 - Berry
Combination List:
Ingredients Result
1 + 1 + 1 = Romantic/Embrace
1 + 1 + 2 = Feels Lonely
1 + 1 + 3 = Fertile
1 + 1 + 4 = Happy feet - Dances
1 + 1 + 5 = Stinky Breath - Villager burps green cloud
1 + 2 + 2 = Stomachache - minor health gone
1 + 2 + 3 = Burns - minor health gone
1 + 2 + 4 = Awful - makes Villager sick
1 + 2 + 5 = Burns - minor health gone
Virtual Villagers The Secret City
1 + 3 + 3 = Yummy - Kids drink1 + 3 + 4 = Light & Springy (Villager able to get pink diamond)
1 + 3 + 5 = Blannesamagawa loomajoobamooga!! (crazy!)
1 + 4 + 4 = Fertile
1 + 4 + 5 = Woozy - Villager spins and sits
1 + 5 + 5 = Fun - acts like child
2 + 2 + 2 = Yikes! Half health gone
2 + 2 + 3 = Stomachache - minor health gone
2 + 2 + 4 = Stomachache - minor health gone
2 + 2 + 5 = Woozy - Villager spins and sits
2 + 3 + 3 = Awful - makes Villager sick
2 + 3 + 4 = Energy - runs short while
2 + 3 + 5 = Must exercise!
2 + 4 + 4 = Nasty, bitter
2 + 4 + 5 = Has to Go! Nature Calls!
2 + 5 + 5 = Sleepy - sits/lies down
3 + 3 + 3 = Minor Health given
3 + 3 + 4 = Medium Health given
3 + 3 + 5 = Nasty, bitter
3 + 4 + 4 = Medium Health given
3 + 4 + 5 = Feels Hungry (eats a lot)
3 + 5 + 5 = Nasty, bitter
4 + 4 + 4 = In a Trance
4 + 4 + 5 = Hiccups - Villager hiccups & jumps
4 + 5 + 5 = Nasty, bitter
5 + 5 + 5 = Fun - acts like child
6 + 6 + 6 = Itchy
6 + 6 + 1 = Feel Better
6 + 6 + 2 = Sleepy - sits/lays down
6 + 6 + 3 = Feel Better
6 + 6 + 4 = Feel Better
6 + 6 + 5 = Awful - makes Villager sick
6 + 1 + 1 = Soapy - hiccups floating bubbles
6 + 1 + 2 = Burns - minor health gone
6 + 1 + 3 = Feel Better
6 + 1 + 4 = Fertile
6 + 1 + 5 = Hiccups - Villager hiccups & jumps
6 + 2 + 2 = Gets rid of sharks (several villagers take to ocean)
6 + 2 + 3 = Nasty, bitter
6 + 2 + 4 = Burns - minor health gone
6 + 2 + 5 = Has to Go! Nature Calls!
6 + 3 + 3 = Too hot - tries to cool off
6 + 3 + 4 = Feel Better
6 + 3 + 5 = Nasty, bitter
6 + 4 + 4 = Having an epiphany in a trance nothing
6 + 4 + 5 = Stomachache - minor health gone
6 + 5 + 5 = Nasty, bitter
7 + 7 + 7 = Paralyzed ...can't move...
7 + 7 + 1 = Burns - minor health gone
7 + 7 + 2 = Sleepy - sits/lies down
7 + 7 + 3 = Nasty, bitter
7 + 7 + 4 = Burns - minor health gone
7 + 7 + 5 = Awful - makes Villager sick
7 + 1 + 1 = Gets rid of sharks (several villagers take to ocean)
7 + 1 + 2 = Burns - minor health gone
7 + 1 + 3 = Scientific Clarity
7 + 1 + 4 = Yummy!
7 + 1 + 5 = Yummy!
7 + 2 + 2 = Nasty, bitter
7 + 2 + 3 = Who turned out the lights?!
7 + 2 + 4 = Feels Smarter
7 + 2 + 5 = Has to Go! Nature Calls!
7 + 3 + 3 = Freezing - Tries to get warm
7 + 3 + 4 = Feel Better
7 + 3 + 5 = Nasty, bitter
7 + 4 + 4 = Epiphany/Trance
7 + 4 + 5 = Stomachache - minor health gone
7 + 5 + 5 = Whoa! Teleports villager near beach
Unlimited honey:
If one of your villagers likes to run, have that villager smoke the hive. By doing
this, the bees will stay and you will have never-ending honey.
The lift is useful for placing an adult and allowing you to find them in the same
place a few seconds later. You can use this to get the couples you want to have
babies. Other places where villagers linger are the waterfalls and bath
(when completed).
Gem key:
Keep lighting the fire. You will notice sparkles around the fire. Let it burn out
and the key should appear. However, it is too hot to pick up. Go to the waterfalls
where the villagers get a drink and drop them there. The key must be there in order
to do this. The villagers action will be 'Putting water on the firepit'. Keep doing
until it has cooled.
Pink diamond key:
You will need to have solved Puzzle 3. Collect the following herbs for a potion:
Cactus, Rose, Lotus. Make the potion and have a villager other than a nursing mother
drink it. That villager should feel 'light and springy'. Drop them near the pink
diamond (the hanging object) just above the rose plant. Their action should read
'Trying to reach the key'. They will jump up and collect the key.
Clam key:
You will need to have solved Puzzle 9 (the big statue). Once the statue is completed,
a pearl will appear (not the key). Have a Master Builder pick up the pearl. He or she
will take it to the waterfall to be 'finished'. Then, have the tribal chief pick up
the finished blue pearl. The chief will use the pearl to get the key from the giant
After u install and play your virtual villager game, u can change the time system
on taskbar on your operating system to the next day or next week or next month,
and see what will happend on your game.
Use the potion: Cactus , Black Orchid , and Lotus after acquiring 'level 2 potion'
on projects to speed things up!
Faster events:
The time in the game runs is based on your computer's clock. It is possible to shorten
things by setting the clock ahead and then going back. Be careful though, sometimes
people will die over this time.
If you find a blue star fish pick it up you will become a master at what ever you do.
It has to be one of thouse thing were you have to chose thing or the other
If your villagers are starving, stop time (Pause) the game then go into your time/date
settings on your pc, then you can set it ahead a day. When you go back into your game
you can use your chief again to create food and you don't lose any progress or risk
people dying. This also works for using the chief to point out rare objects.
Time Manipulation:
If you need to speed up the time in your game, just change the time accordingly on your
computer. The game’s time is based on your computer’s clock, so it can be easily
Tablet pieces:
The collectible tablet pieces will begin to appear near the rubble when the rubble
clearing project has gotten started with at least 2%.
Unlimited honey:
If one of your villagers likes to run, have that villager smoke the hive. By doing this,
the bees will stay and you will have never-ending honey.
How to get rid of Sharks:
If you really need to fish in the game, here's a way to fix the shark problem.
Nature Faction - 2 black orchids + 1 pitcher plant
Magic Faction - 2 roses + 1 berry
Note: Potions may blow up even if you use the right ingredients.
Extra Food:
For a little extra food or tech points, when you see a mushroom or collectable instead
of just putting one kid on it put one on then immediately another kid.
The mushroom/collectable will duplicate.
You will need to have solved Puzzle 9 (the big statue). Once the statue is completed,
a pearl will appear (not the key). Have a Master Builder pick up the pearl. He or she
will take it to the waterfall to be 'finished'. Then, have a master scientist pick up
the pearl. He'll take it to the lab and smooth it over. Then have the tribal chief pick
up the finished blue pearl. The chief will use the pearl to get the key from the giant
Easy Parenting Skill:
(You must have an Elderly female to do this.).
Instead of actually having to make the babies, wait out their growing, just let your
guy be with an older woman. Use a male on the elderly female as if you wanted them to
have children. Continually do this. Only use the male on the female because if you use
the female on the male, the female gets the points.
How to get faster tech points from collectables:
You need the to find any collectable that is uncommon or rare then put a child on it
then pause it very quickly while it is paused find any other child and put it on the
same collectible (if it doesn't work the first time repeat) and when they take it to
the lab common:200 instead of 100 rare:400 or 300 instead of 100.
Use for the cheif:
If you feel like the cheif is almost useless..Your female cheif can have babies.
Easy Food: 4000 food to start:
Before Starting your game sit computer clock ahead one day then start game. After
smoking the bees and planting your first seed , leave the game running and reset
set your clock this will give you 3000 honey and 1000 fruit.
Improving Villager Health :
Can be done by mixing potions in the alchemy lab. You'll need to have fixed it first,
which is puzzle 3, but once you do you can mix one of two potions to restore villager
health. A combination of either Cactus + Lotus + Lotus or Cactus +Cactus + Lotus creates
a potion that restores villagers health.
Leader with unclaimed robe:
To choose your own leader with the robe still hanging up (unclaimed), make the potion
Tiger Lily + Tiger Lily + Lotus. It will be bitter, however if you then pick up that
person and place them on the robe to try it on, they will become chief, even when that
person had already said it did not fit.
No time to wait for babies:
First, put a male on a female or female on male vice-versa. Then the message line will
read going indoors for some privacy. Move the male villager from his place.
You will see a baby in the hand of female villager.
Amazing food cheat for Ipod/Iphone:
You must have a Tribal chief to do this.
* First drag your chief to the food. He will either creat magic food or refuse.
* If he refuses, Use this code.
* Go to Menu
* Go to Options
* Put the time to paused (Make sure the game is paused.
* Press the square button on the ipod/iphone
* Go to settingsgeneralDate & timeset Date & Time
* Now Press the current date above the slot machine thingy with the time EX-
Monday January 1, 2009
* Set the date to a day after
* Go back to Virtual villagers and unfreeze the time
* Now drag your tribal chief back to the food.
* He will create more magic food.
OUTCOME- You created magic food 2 times in 5 mins
Your welcome!! I found this out myself!
I dragged my tribal chief to the food not knowing about magic food
Then It said creating magic food and i realized it gave me +150 food
when i was going to sleep i paused the game.
The next day i did it again, but the game was paused the whole night so then i paused set date +1
and tried, IT WORKED!
Now your villagers will never die out.
Warning with time change:
as many of you know you can speed the game up by changing the clock on your computer. first,
while doing this in the begining I stongly advise you to do by a hour at a time at most your
people are much less likely to die from disease or starvation because a shorter time is elapsing.
Secondly, when clearing the rubble down by the bath DO NOT use the clock jump meathod, the tablet
peices that you should geet from clear the rubble disapear and there is no other way to get them
so you are out of luck unless you want to start over. Just warnig you
Fun Fact:
the potion: berry, tiger lily, tiger lily doesn't teleport you the same place each time. you can
be teleported almost anywhere on the island.just found it out while i was messing around
Baby making time:
You can know if the people who are heading indoors will make a baby or not, the population
will change as soon as they say 'going indoors' this way if they aren't going to make a
baby you can just pisk them up and try again instead of waiting for the to walk over to
the house. You don't even have to wait if they are going to have a baby. As soon as you
see the population change just pick up the female and it will apear in her arms when you
put her down.All this is just to help you save time in breeding.
if you have been playing the game you probabally have already noticed this but incase you
havn't: turtle shells are only found around the waterfall and mating build; ocean iteams
are, ofcourse found only on the beach and reef; feathers and mushrooms are found anywhere
including the reef and path up to the key door but the rare feathers are uasually found in
the clearing that has the roster of the deadon down by the bath; and finally the the tablet
pecies are found as you uncover the rubble down by the bath.
A few tips:
If you are playing the free version on your ipod or iphone, it allows 9 villagers and no more.
However, if you build the small hut in the middle of the village, it adds some more room and
allows more villagers to live.
Also, if a villager is standing on the lift, and it hasnt rained for at least 10 minutes,
after a few minutes it will start to rain. :)
3 Gems:
-=Square gem=- use potion on a villager that makes you fell 'light and springy' and put the
villager under the cliff with the gem. the villager will spring up, snatch the gem, and bring
it to the door.
-=Ash gem=- Once your fire has been burning for more than 10 hours, you will see sparkling on
the fire. let the fire burn out, and in the asy remains there will be the gem. It will be to
hot to touch at first (duh, it was in a fire!) so bring a villager to the water fall. the action
should have something to do with putting water on it. repeat until the villager doesnt put any
more on. drag a villager to the gem and they will put it in the door.
-=Clam gem=- First you need to have re-built the statue. there will be a gem. give it to a master
builder to 'Finish' it, then give the finished gem to the cheif. the cheif will bring it to the
clam and get the gem in the clam. They will bring that to the door.
For the Lift puzzle, you can just have 2 Master Builders and 1 Adept Builder.
That works too But you can't have a Trainee Builder.
Finding collectables:
* Turtle shells are only found around the waterfall and mating build.
* Ocean items are found only on the beach and reef.
* Feathers and mushrooms are found anywhere including the reef and path up to the key door.
However the rare feathers are usually found in the clearing that has the roster of the dead
down by the bath.
* Tablet pieces are found as you uncover the rubble near the bath.
Useless Chief:
If your first chief has just died, and you have finished the alchemy lab, to avoid another
useless chief, have a child (preferrably a young female) drink the potion tiger lilly, tiger
lilly, lotus and drop her on the unclaimed robe. You will have to have completed puzzle three.
I say young female because then, she can still collect items when she's a kid, and she can
have babies when she's an adult. If you can't wait, you can use a potion to kill your chief.
Full health:
the potion cacus+cactus+cactus gives your villagers full health it is better than the other
health drinks to do this you need to have solved puzzle 3.